Friday, October 9, 2009

Motherblog 19 (Violent-ense)

The world is and always will contain violence, my intentions are not to come across as negative.
Its just some people are aiming in the wrong direction to solve the smaller acts of violence.
Especially Australian television programming like '60 minutes' or 'today tonight' blaming these acts of violence on movies or video games.
Dont try and ruin my childhood memories or interests by feeding this shit to the parents of today...
I grew up watching violent movies and playing the violent graphic games.
I turned out just fine....
I know for a fact that a large portion of my friends had the same childhood lifestyle. Living the non-violent dream after growing up in the Mortal Kombat, Doom and Street fighter era.
I can admit that i played these games because the animated violence was appealing. Playing Mortal Kombat at a younger age i used to desperately seek how to do all of the fatality moves, I envied the fact that when i played against the computer, it could do them whenever i pleased.

Technically the programs making these accusations are just contributing to the current culture wars of our time and ruining childhoods.

In regards to any of these games giving me nightmares, yes there was one. I am more than happy to admit that.
The game was Resident Evil 2 that was released on PS1. It was not so much the visual, but more so the audio that gave me nightmares.
Unfortunately the intense gaming music does not give you the exact effect that i experience as a fragile child. There was no music...

Looking back on it now, it was like having a pedophile breathing heavily down the back of your neck.

This is exactly what the parents of today should be discussing over tea/coffee..

I walked to hyde park last night in hope to catch the end of the first evening of the Noodle Festival.
Unfortunately it had been packed up for the night, though i managed to still come across some lanterns hanging from the trees, a mouse in a tree (which someone was so eager to climb) and a possum cross our path so casually its like as if we did not exist.

Keep an eye out for my photograph i have posted on

William and myself will be doing a set tonight at the 'Sexpo' party in Darlinghurst tonight, Also at the 'Goth as fuck' Duke party this Saturday night at the taxi club.


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